by Jacqui Miyabayashi of Mee A Bee
The days are getting shorter and I find myself inside a lot more. We’re dragging out heaters and rugs. The house suddenly seems small and overflowing. It has me wishing for a beautiful uncluttered space like those seen in Scandinavian design magazines. White walls and light wood furniture make the most of natural light in that frigid environment. Cheerful bright colors make a cozy retreat and remind us of nature’s brilliance.
Picture one, top: 1. my favourite Dala horses appear in this cute print by PrettyMod. 2. If you love little critters then you’ll love MapleShadeKids 3. Fabulous handmade clock from uncommon (check out their wooden chandeliers!) 4. M is for magazines, even my kids have them overflowing off their shelves. this one comes in a few colours from paperdollwoodshop. 5. I simply can’t pick a favourite from helkatdesign, can you? 6. This would be a splurge item but I just love the colour, OCB Design, Hamlin Lounge Chair.
Picture two, bottom: 1. handmade lampshade and hand-printed fabric from Helen Rawlinson, 2. these dolls really make me smile, from HappyDoodleLand. 3. You had me at Marimekko, doorstop from I Just Love That Fabric. 4. He’s organic! from my dear friend JoJoEbi, Viktor the Viking. 5. I’ve been a bit crazy about these giant floor cushions from Mookah for ages. 6. And equally obsessed with everything from RoddyandGinger. 7. Gorgeous handmade baby blanket (or knee rug!) from EucalyptusCreations.