by Stacy Altiery of InkSpot Workshop
Idea: Down and Out Chic
With each year that passes by my collection of arts and crafts supplies seems to grow all on its own. Add in my also expanding collection of supplies that I use for InkSpot Workshop and I’m forever on a quest it seems to get all of these loose items situated into one handy place, without looking too cluttered here in my workshop.
I was happy that Jessika wanted us to talk about spring cleaning so I thought I’d share a recent popular post from my blog on this topic. Retailers like The Container Store and Organize.com are a few of my favorite places to go and hide for a few hours. It’s fun to walk up and down the idles, or browse the categories online and stretch my imagination for item uses beyond what they are projected to be.
I did a little Googling and found some cute and unique ways to store your do-dads with everyday, run of the mill items. Have you discovered a unique storage use for an everyday item? Please post a comment here and tell us all about it:)
Idea: Budget Wise Home
All Above Ideas: Better Homes and Gardens
Idea: DIY
This last idea I came up with all myself! While shopping at Ikea, I spotted this Table Top Paperholder and had a light bulb moment! How great would this be to hold my gorgeous collection of baker’s twine from The Twinery? Voilla, there you have it! Just need to buy a few more as my twine collection also is multiplying at the pace of little bunnies.
I also just discovered this great site for organizing called Simplify 101 and subscribe to their newsletter and get tips sent to my inbox on a regular basis. Check them out!
Stacy Altiery
InkSpot Workshop – Hand crafted paper goodies that make you 🙂
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