“Oh precious heart, you think you’re lost, look down look down and find your feet. The next step is the path you’re on…” ~Veda Hille, Precious Heart
Sometimes when we trek off into the wilderness or confront our deepest fears we can get lost and end up where we least expected. I’ve seen lots of writing about ‘finding yourself’ but I don’t think we are like a treasure you find once and then own forever. Our voice, self, confidence, hope, and path are parts of us that we remember and misplace then have to seek out again. We go through being so sure of everything that we can leap any obstacle, to not being sure we have the chutzpah to get out of bed. Other times we get so busy and forget what makes us feel most alive and on the right track until we look around and have no idea where we are. If you find your explorations have left you lost and confused-look down and find your feet- you are exactly where & who you need to be. The path forward is the one you are on. <–share this
The song Precious Heart by Vancouver indie musician,Veda Hille (available for download here) has been important to me since I was 11-hard to believe 1994 was almost 20 years ago! So I made this print for all us explorers who wander too far and need to remember our precious hearts never leave us + the path is right under our feet.
Click any of the images below to download your choice of 4 different versions– post it somewhere you see every day, keep it in your pocket, or share it with a friend who needs it!
How do you get back on your feet when you’ve wandered too far from yourself?
[…] to go with lots of white frames so I’ve got my eye out for interesting printables like this one or this one to fill those […]