by Jessika Hepburn, O Happy Day Handmade
September might be here but nobody told Halifax about it-we are in the middle of a heat wave. Today it was 34 degrees Celsius (44 with the humidity) that is 93-111 Fahrenheit=HOT! This unreasonable heat is thanks to Hurricane Earl, the storm that has the whole city running around buying generators and stocking up on candles. There is the potential if the storm hits here Friday night for the city to loose power and (gasp!) internet too, so if I am offline for a day or two that is why, although I might resort to standing in the hurricane with my Iphone trying to get a signal so I can post an article! Since everyone is talking about the potential storm I thought it would be fun to do a storm themed post, and hope it keeps the nasty weather at bay.
The “I will be grateful for this day” print from Vol25 is exactly how I will feel if we get a little sprinkling instead of a full blown hurricane and this aqua cloud from Italy’s atelierpompadour is so sweet, it certainly makes me grateful for the rain!
If we do get a big storm these finds are a bit more appropriate; a rainy day pillow from Modernality to snuggle on the couch with by candlelight and a pair of superhero shoes made by smallfly if things get really bad. A Cloudy Day linocut by littlebirdesigns is the perfect image for a stormy day on the East Coast and I also love the whimsical sweetness of Heidi Burton’s “Pale Irretrievables” illustration.
An Aqua Clouds ceramic bowl from CeramicaBotanica would make a gray day lunch party that much nicer and this tiny needle felted Little Blue Cloud Cottage made by chetanddot is helping with my thinking about fluffy white clouds instead of nasty angry ones.
I hope that you are keeping safe and having fun storm watching wherever you are!