Today I have a special treat for all of you, Kate from Mini-eco is here to share a guest tutorial for making your own ridiculously sweet apple & pear mobiles like the one above! With the free time I just made for myself, I will definitely be making this, and many of the other equally lovely tutorials over on her site. Haven’t heard about Mini-eco? You are in for a very pleasant surprise and I am so happy to be able to introduce you her bright, crafty world!
About the Tutorial:
I’ve been wanting to make an ‘apples & pears’ mobile for a while now. Don’t ask me why! I’m not sure it turned out quite how I planned (I was kind of hoping for a more retro feel) but I like it all the same.
The nicest thing is that its really easy to make – all you need is some paper, thread, sellotape and a pair of scissors.
It looks very beautiful twirling around and I imagine will look even better when it’s catching the sun….roll on spring!
I scanned my shapes in so all you need to do is print it out (click here to download) and cut out the shapes which you can use as a template. For those of you without printers…simply open the pdf, lay a white piece of paper on your computer screen and gently trace. To put your mobile together just tape your cut out fruit to the thread and that’s it!
About Mini-eco:
Mini-eco is all about crafting beautiful things for little people (and big ones!). The phrase ‘make, do and mend’ is always in the back of my mind when coming up with new projects. It’s about spending time together and keeping things simple, cheap, creative and fun.