My 6 year old is an advertising companies dream. Every time she spots the next new plastic toy in between her cartoons, she proclaims that she just has to have it. Personally, I think they should ban toy commercials during kids shows but that is another post altogether!
This year I made the decision to only buy her handmade gifts for Christmas. You see Santa Claus and his elves prefer to make gifts rather than buy them from Walmart…this is the subtle hint I have been giving her for a few months now and it seems to be working. I even managed to get my family on board and they plan to buy her only toys that are educational, handmade or made in the USA (baby steps here).
So how do you move away from the next new plastic junk that your kids need now but will be thrown out tomorrow?
Introduce your kids to handmade
I have been making things for Gia since she was little but I also like for her to see things that other people make. Let your children surf Etsy with you to see all of the treasures out there that are unique and different from the big box stores.
Stress the importance and story behind handmade items
There is a story behind every small business and maker. Explain to your children that handmade items are crafted with love and extra care versus being manufactured in a warehouse for the masses. A lot of times you can see behind the scenes photos or blogs showing how things are made. This is especially true during craft demonstrations at art fairs.
Get out and join in
Check out your local craft fairs and let your children see handmade items up close and personal. Most larger towns have seasonal festivals in the Spring, Fall and around Christmas.
With all of that said, you may have to start slowly…especially if you yourself are new to the handmade scene. That’s ok, it is the intention that counts!
Here are some gift ideas to get you started…
1. Baby Sock Monkey by LilHipsters
2. Crayon Take Along Wallet by Jody
3. Bunny Hand Puppet by busybusyfingers
4. Felt Food Set by itsthesmallthings
5. Sidewalk Paint by SidewalkSensations
6. Scavenger Hunt Card Set by blynkenandnod