Music copyright laws can become confusing. Watch the video below to see what I do personally to ensure that my videos have music that isn’t violating any copyright infringements.
{ Can’t see the video? Click here: http://youtu.be/wdEMUyDDH7Q }
Music is one of the greatest aspects in creating videos. Where would we be if The Lord of The Rings didn’t have any music behind it? It would have turned an epic movie into an incredibly awkward one.
Or what about Twilight? That movie has a unique branded music that doesn’t belong anywhere else.
Aw yes, music is important.
But how do you know what music you can put into your own videos? After all, YouTube has rules about this and your videos can be taken down, the music stripped out or the whole channel can get banned if you disobey those music copyright laws.
The number one tip I can give you when dealing with all music is to simply get the proper permission of the company or person that has manufactured the audio.
Different audio sites have different requirements. Some audio sites say you can use the audio however you like as long as you credit said audio site.
Other audio sites make you pay a premium to use the music at all or without previously mentioned credit.
To make this easier on you I have 3 favorite ways of getting audio into my own videos.
1. audiojungle.net. That site has over 96,000 audio files starting from just a dollar and they are all royalty free.
Their licensing rules are also pretty lax so usually you don’t even need to credit them.

2. fiverr.com. This site is a great place to get something custom created just for you. Just make sure you talk about licensing info with the person you hire so that you’re free and clear.
Sometimes they make you pay $20 more for complete control over what you do with the project
but that $20 is nothing compared to what you’d pay a corporate company to do the same.

3. audiomicro.com. If you’re willing to pay a little bit more
I suggest going to audiomicro.com. The quality can be just a touch better than audiojungle.net sometimes and I personally like the sound effects better.

If you have any questions post them below.
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Luv you all.
Peace out yo!
XOXO Renae