Fear of failure and ACTUAL failure can be debilitating experiences. I know…because I have been there, at rock bottom. A miserable failure! Like BIG time failure! I’m not kidding…
Naturally entrepreneurial (it pretty much runs in my blood), I’ve always known that I was destined to be a business owner. Once I took my first jewelry making class, I knew that my business would be a jewelry brand.
So I did it. I launched my first business as a side gig while I was still in college. When I finally grew the ovaries to take the leap, I jumped on the entrepreneurial train and left the security of my full time job behind as I sped off into the unknown.
What happened over the next 15 years was very interesting. I grew my business significantly and then it all came crashing down. I miserably failed. Like failed big time… it’s safe to say that I know a thing or two about failure!
Today, in our VLOG, Robin & I wanted to chat a little about my failure and how I overcame fear in the face of adversity. Make sure you watch the entire VLOG because I also tell you some of the tools I used to look fear in the face, release it and build a new business that was highly profitable in a short period of time.
It’s very easy to get overwhelmed and feel discouraged when things aren’t going your way. Facing fear head on and using it as a vehicle to drive your business is the key to conquering it!
The good news is that failure is transient and fear is only energy (as told by one of my favorite quotes):
Fear is just excitement without the breath ~ Fritz Pearl
Luckily for me, I learned lessons from failing and used them to build a solid foundation for my current jewelry business and increase my profits.
We want to hear how you have transformed fear or failure in your life.
In the comments below, please answer the following questions:
- What terrifies you most about failing?
- What are the fears that come up when you think of failure?
- How have you transformed fear in the past?
Also, right now is the time to start prepping for your holiday sales. We’ve created an amazing FREE training series at Flourish & Thrive Academy to help you ramp up your holiday sales.
Go Here to Access the FREE training
xo, Tracy & Robin