Hello friends! Come right on in and get comfortable in our beautiful new online home! The team at Aeolidia pooled all their skills to craft us a site that took our little old blog and transformed it into the first virtual community centre for creative entrepreneurs! We’ve moved over here to the new site and launched the blog and main pages while we finish up on the marketplace, forums, shop, and classrooms. The new features should be ready by the end of the week so be sure to subscribe to post updates in the sidebar so you can get the big news! I am editing content today and comments are still importing so don’t worry if things look a little empty or move around, we’ll be all set up in a couple of days. This is just a quick welcome to cut the ribbon on the new site but we have a fresh contributor post coming up today too!
Speech! Speech!
A standing ovation to Arianne of Aeolidia for making this project possible, Joel & Ashley of This Paper Ship for creating a logo and illustrations that capture the spirit of our community, Lauren Hardage for her mad genius design skills, and always always to Zoe Rooney for her magical ability to take my wildest ideas and turn them into reality. Thank you to all of our community financing supporters for helping to launch our site by investing in us. And the biggest happy squishes to each and every one of you who has supported OMHG through our evolutions! All the awards go to you!
What do you think of the new site? Excited for the features yet to come? Take our fancy new comments out for a test drive, warm up our new site with your good wishes, and make yourself at home-we built this community just for you! Mazel tov!