So what is Summer without a good book? If you’re like me, it is probably some business type book with a little Shades of Grey on the side when your eyes start to glaze over. Nothing like that book to jolt you back to your senses!
Anyway, I digress…there will be no need for Shades of Grey with this book! I came across “The Big Enough Company” a few years ago and I have read it cover to cover several times. This is one of those books that you will dog-ear to death…and that is a good thing! First and foremost, the writers are two powerhouse chicks that run In Good Company, a co-op for woman owned businesses in NYC, so they know their stuff.
The best part is that it isn’t a how to book…it’s more of a now what? Most of us have already started a business but aren’t sure where to take it, how to grow it or if we even should. This book picks up where a lot of the others leave off. It really digs into creating your business with personal goals in mind and using that to gage how big or small you should keep things. There are some great interviews from other women who have been exactly where you and I are, which to me is completely inspirational. It’s nice to know we are not alone out there! We all have questions and we all make mistakes but we can learn from them and use it to grow.
Here is a little video of them explaining the book in their own words with input from all kinds of women:
You can find “Big Enough Company” at any bookstore or Amazon so get your booty over there and buy it!
Already read it? Share your thoughts in the comments or let us know what is on your summer reading list!