Once upon a time, when I first started making and participating in craft shows, I thought it was a romantic notion to stay up all night pricing all my work and printing out last-minute signs. That lasted for a few shows before I realized it was a much better idea to prepare in advance and get a good night sleep before a big show (a novel idea – I know). In order to make this dream a reality for myself, I created a list of things that I do for every show.
Once I’m accepted, I assign dates to each item and put them all in my calendar. That way I know I’m not missing an opportunity and I won’t have last minute things pop up on my to do list.
Join me in living an organized life (at least when it comes to participating in craft shows) and click below to download a blank template to-do list. Then don’t start from scratch, use my craft show master to-do list to fill yours in!
- Make list of craft shows I plan to apply for
- Put application open and close dates on my calendar
- Put show & travel dates on my calendar
- Create folder with photos of products created in the last year to use for show applications
- Review photos from the last year to find photos of booth setup to use for show applications
- Apply during the first week applications are open
If accepted:
- Add listing to calendar on my website
- Determine amount of product needed to make show profitable
- Create manufacturing schedule
- Add date swag is due to calendar
- Add date payment is due to calendar
- Post on Facebook
- Post on Twitter
- Post on Pinterest
- Post on Instagram
- Write a preshow blog post with basic information about the show
- Look up shops in area that might buy my products wholesale
- Buy plane/train ticket or arrange road trip
- Make hotel arrangements
- Find cat sitter
- Send swag
- Send payment
A month before the show:
- Mail postcards to customers who have purchased online who live in the area
- Review list of vendors to determine who I would like to meet and/or trade with
- Send emails or reach out to vendors I admire on social networks
1-2 weeks before the show:
- Post reminder on Facebook
- Tweet reminder on Twitter
- Post show prep photos on Instagram
- Send out email newsletter
- Mail product to hotel or friend in the area
- Look up shops in area that might buy wholesale
- Email shop I’m interested in wholesaling with and request a meeting and/or invite them to purchase cash & carry for their first order on the last day of the show
- Pack
Attend show
Post Show:
- Leave any extra promotional postcards in coffees shops around city
- Post photos on Flickr
- Post photos on Instagram spread
- Post review on Unanimous Craft
- Email people I met at the show
- Meet with shops interested in selling my products wholesale
- Post show blog post: My Picks to Win the Whole Thing that highlights my favorite vendors
- Follow up with shops who were interested in selling my products wholesale
- Send thank you note to show organizers
Here is an example of your to-do list all filled out + click to download a blank one:
The beauty of this system is that you don’t have to start from scratch each time you have a new show on your schedule – just whip out this list and plug in some dates — done! Spend your precious time making things instead of doing administrative work (I know — another novel ideal!).
Does this list & printable help you get ready for your next craft show? Be sure to let us know in the comments! If you are an experienced craft show vendor we’d love to know what to-do’s are on your master list.
[…] Get the Craft Show To Do List Template here at Oh My! Handmade. […]