Come for an adventure into the April archives to see what was happening on OMHG this month through the ages to help you grow your business & creativity…
Why Spring is SO Awesome for Your Business by Jenna Herbut of Make It! University
Reimagine Mentorship: Each One Teach One by Jenelle Montilone of TrashN2Tees
Creating an Ethical Eco-Based Business by Colleen Attara of Colleen Attara Studio
Stick to Your Roots & Overcome by Lisa White of Moxie Pear
DIY Crepe Paper Flowers by Marisa Edghill of Omiyage
Positioned for Growth by Allisa Jacobs
Packaged Pretty: Cupcakes for Clara by Laura Clempson
How to Plan A Launch & Keep Your Lunch by Jessika Hepburn
Clean Out Those Closets & Air Out Your Fears + a printable worksheet by Jessika Hepburn
Spring Cleaning for Your Shop: Keeping your product mix fresh by Sara Tams of sarah + abraham
The Dotted Line: What To Look For When Reviewing A Contract by Arianne Foulks
Navigating the Trademark Process by Emily Ley of Emily Ley Paper
Want more? Check out 4 years of goodness in the archives using the drop down in the sidebar!
What have you been reading on the internet this week that inspired your business or creative growth?