Last February we played Match + Maker and 100 makers around the world submitted to be matched up based on location and make new local friends. It was amazing to pair people up who lived on the same block in a major city or who lived minutes away from each other in small towns but had never connected. From my little house in rural Canada I got to match up makers from Philadelphia to the Philippines. This February we are playing a bit differently and being matchmakers together! All month long we’ll be publishing your wanted ads for creative connections on OMHG and matching each other up with new connections. Maybe you are looking for a new best friend to talk handmade revolutions with, a business collaborator with a specific skill set, a mentor you can trust as you start a new adventure, or another work from home parent to offer peer support and accountability – whoever your maker match might be we want to help you find them!
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How it works:
1. Fill out the form to submit your Match + Maker profile and join the fun!
2. Help spread the word to get more makers involved and find matches from around the world.
3. Your profile will be formatted like the one below and published on OMHG during February.
4. Watch for the Match + Maker posts, find new friends + play matchmaker!
Jessika Hepburn | @ohmyhandmade | Email | Lunenburg, NS
About: Cooperative director of Oh My! Handmade, cheerful activist, handmaker mentor, community advocate, believer in goodness.
Seeking: Kind comrades interested in creative adventures and supportive communities.
Loves: Small towns, kitchen parties, talking to anyone (and everyone), being helpful, reading expansively, paying attention to all of creation.
Makes: Friends easily, community connections, a simple life, time for you.
Match: Dedicated to handmaking a life of meaning + willing to collaborate on tender mammoth projects + fellow lover of community and cupcakes!
Keep your eyes open for the first Match + Maker posts and pair people up by suggesting new friends who you think are a perfect match! Find new friends by reaching out to makers you have something in common with, say hi on social media, or email them to see if they want to hang out. Even start a meet up if there are enough of you in one area! I’ll lend a hand by introducing people if a perfect pair comes to mind. Ready to play?