I’ve been working with Mariah of Playful Learning to create an experience for children that inspires their love of exploration and discovery while teaching them to be compassionate global citizens. Together we connected with over 20 wonderful bloggers from around the world who signed up to share a look at play in their corner of the world and help spread the word about the new Playful Learning Ecademy. I got to design graphics, a free printable passport and some fun ways for children to learn about the power of online communities!
I wrote how much the girls and I loved The Power of Put-Ups and the way it changed our family dynamic a couple months ago so was thrilled when Mariah recently decided that every family in the world should have access to the Power of Put-Ups eLesson, and is offering it to everyone free of charge! By using the discount code WORLDPEACE during the registration process you will receive a 100% discount.
Hop on over to Playful Learning, download your free Playful Passport then visit each of the stops during August to meet these inspiring families, follow the #PlayfulTour fun on Twitter + Instagram, and enter to win Playful Learning scholarships. Scroll down for what my girls had to say about play in our little town in answer to our Play Around The World questions!
August 1st: Playful Tour Kick Off
August 2nd: Oh My Handmade, Canada http://ohmyhandmade.com/blog/
August 5th: My Organized Chaos, Japan http://www.my-organized-chaos.com/
August 6th: Childhood 101, Australia http://childhood101.com
August 7th: Mindful Parenting, Australia http://www.mindfulparentingmag.com
August 8th: Picklebums, Australia http://picklebums.com/
August 9th: TrashN2Tees, USA http://trashn2tees.blogspot.ca/
August 12th: Simple Kids, USA http://simplekids.net/
August 13th: Mee A Bee, Japan http://www.meeabee.com
August 14th: A Happy Adventure, NZ/China http://www.ahappyadventure.com/
August 15th: Story of Mum, UK http://storyofmum.com/
August 16th: Poppy Haus, USA http://www.poppyhaus.com/
August 19th: Kid World Citizen, USA http://kidworldcitizen.org/
August 20th: Salsa Pie, USA http://salsapie.blogspot.ca
August 21st: Everything Mom & Baby, Canada www.everythingmomandbaby.com/
August 22nd: Simple As That, USA http://www.simpleasthatblog.com/
An Everyday Story, Australia http://www.aneverydaystory.com
August 23rd: Made By Joey, Canada http://madebyjoey.blogspot.com
August 26th: Growing Up Herbal, USA http://www.growingupherbal.com/
August 27th: All Done Monkey, USA http://alldonemonkey.com/
August 28th: Thirteen Red Shoes, Australia http://www.thirteenredshoes.blogspot.com.au
August 29th: The Tiny Twig, USA/Africa http://www.thetinytwig.com/
August 30th: Swoon, USA http://www.swoonstudio.blogspot.com
Where do you live? Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
What season is it there now? Summer!
What is your favourite way to play?
Sela: Wearing my unicorn suit all day and at the Unicorn Academy (she means the playground at this building) also playing on the beach, I like swimming in the water.
Ila: Making my own costumes with mom and playing dress up-this is my cave girl outfit I sewed all by my self (no help from mom!). Also rollerblading, frisbee at the beach with dad, and sleepovers with friends.
What do you like most about learning with friends?
Sela: When my friends are sad I hug them and sing-like when CC cried at daycare I sang her “my love, to my sweet, my heart is wide so high up in the world” and she laughed.
Ila: You are surrounded by people who are on your side and can help you with the answers if you have questions.
Can you tell us something special or different about where you live or games you play?
Sela: There are lots of beaches like Sand Dollar Beach, Hirtle’s Beach, Kingsburg Beach-lots of beaches!
Ila: Our town looks like a fairy tale! All the houses are old and colourful. The Bluenose II is a special boat that was built in Lunenburg and my school is named after it. Lots of movies get made in our town and sometimes they film right outside of our house and we get to watch. I want to be in a movie someday!
Left-right: Play time at Kingsburg Beach, hanging out at the Lunenburg (or Unicorn) Academy, silly sisters get ready for the pool, an empty Sand Dollar Beach to romp on. See more of our adventures this summer right here.
[…] am so excited about our first stop on our Playful Tour! Today we get to meet Sela and Ila over at Oh My! Handmade. Throughout the month of August we will be traveling the globe, meeting children and their […]