Even though Twitter was down for a bit and I completely missed this chat, the #omhg community managed to get in an awesome chat with our co-hosts Jen & Jenna from The Maven Circle anyway on how to trust & celebrate our own inner awesome.
Some of the highlights were:
ohmyhandmade Yesterday @themavencircle shared a fab post + printable on unleashing our own awesomehttp://t.co/x0kDORgi #omhg
Question 1: What keeps you from celebrating your own awesome?
- @ohmyhandmade That voice in my head that tells me no one will like me if I am any good at anything #omhg storyofmum
- @ohmyhandmade Sometimes the mean girl (me) that @blahcubed talked about the other day! http://t.co/tADpp8aF #omhg handmadesuccess
- I know for me, I’m letting my husband’s unhappiness at his job affect my awesomeness. #omhg CormierCreative
Question 2: Do you feel like it is socially awkward to be unapologetically sure of your own awesome?
- I love this quote: “It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us… ” http://t.co/nW1DQCPu#omhg @ohmyhandmade storyofmum
- My goodness! An amazing week thanks to you all! Awesomeness in full Gear! But crowded mind space sometimes hurts my awesome. #omhg
- ColleenAttara
- @ohmyhandmade @ColleeenAttara I def need to work on this – need to find my own voice w/out feeling the need to justify myself #omhg Miletteoutloud
Question 3: Let’s explore the difference? RT @twobysea Arrogance vs. confidence RT @ohmyhandmade: Do you feel like it is socially awkward to be unapologetically sure of your own awesome?
- You have to reach a certain level of self-confidence. Or develop that “screw it” attitude that frees you from what others think #omhg ThreeBySea
- @ohmyhandmade It is funny bc none of us would probably be arrogant + turn people off. Chats like this will help us share our best! #omhg handmadesuccess
- You cant argue the facts of your inner awesome. RT @ohmyhandmade: Lets explore the difference? #omhg
- TrashN2Tees
- It’s only at nearly 40 that I am finding the confidence to be myself more, not just the exhausting competent/apologetic version of me #omhg storyofmum
- @ThreeBySea so true. I think as we get older we become more of ourselves. Who we are meant to be. Hug that person! #omhg ColleenAttara
- Love this! So, so true! RT @TrashN2Tees: sometimes it takes someone else to celebrate your awesomeness, for you to embrace it. #omhg MeaganVisser
Question 4: How does it feel when you are secure in your awesome vs. fighting your fabulousness? How do you push past the argument with self?
- @ohmyhandmade ooh, I like that! I have some crazy dance parties with me, the dog & cats for stress relief 🙂 #omhg miss_modish
- @ohmyhandmade Music is great for drowning out the chatter when I just gotta get things done! #omhg kittyscuriosity
- @ohmyhandmade Sometimes it helps to step outside yourself & do something for someone else. Helping others affirms your awesomeness. #omhg designcoyote
- @ColleenAttara #omhg I agree. You have to know it isn’t selfish to be self-preserving. You’ll have more to give in a genuine way to others. IAMTHELAB
- @themavencircle We could totally do a fun submission thing & splice together videos of us doing our crazy dances! #omhg ohmyhandmade
- @IAMTHELAB This is definitely something I have been learning! The silly me feels right! #omhg handmadesuccess
- am grateful everyday that only i can control my awesomeness #omhg thekitty
And despite Jess getting kicked out of the Chat Room at 2pm, the lively conversation kept going for another half hour, due to its late start!
You can read the entire transcript here.
Wondering what is #OMHG anyway & how you can join in? Visit our chat schedule to find out what we’re chatting about this month + what our community is all about by clicking right here. This month we’re all about the Awesome!