Pictures from top to bottom: Colleen Attara’s Brooklyn brownstone flower project, Makeshift Society in San Francisco, Lunenburg Makery window display by Micheline Courtemanche
Spend some time envisioning your ideal creative community with us today! The first step in any community development project is usually to figure out what the ideal vision is and where to go from there.
Today we are asking ourselves these questions about our ideal creative communities:
What are your ideal community’s key characteristics or features?
How does your ideal community make you feel?
How does your ideal community inspire or influence your creativity?
Who is part of your ideal community-do they have similar ideas and backgrounds or is your vision more diverse?
Does your current creative community look anything like your ideal?
We’ll be chatting about these questions Thursday at our #OMHG chat from 1-2pm EST, in the forums this week and right here! Please share your visions for your creative communities in the comments-who knows you might find someone else looking for just those very things. Stop by next Wednesday for another exercise (with worksheets) to help us define and design our creative communities by making a map.