On the 17th of October we’ll be gathering to make our first Maker’s Retreat on Cortes Island in BC. There is still time to join forces with us and say yes to five days of crafting community and collaboration! For everyone who can’t make it we’ll be bringing OMHG along as we dedicate October to sharing ways we can make a movement with our head + heart + hands. Makers have been making movements since our prehistoric days- our hands telling the stories of our culture and creating a legacy to pass down to future generations for good or bad. Making is an act of creation and no matter how small our actions every stitch or pixel can be part of crafting a better, kinder, warmer, more connected world. This little blurb from the back of Craftivism couldn’t be more perfect:
Sharing stories of how people make changes in the world through creative acts of making, Betsy Greer reminds us that revolutions are small before they are grand. In the spirit of craftivism, she gives voice to others, sharing their stories to demonstrate how collaboration – as much as action and listening – can effect change. —Namita Gupta Wiggers on Craftivism: The Art & Craft of Activism edited by Betsy Greer
Whether you want to make more diverse communities, celebrate global cultural mash-ups, or craft a life of meaning with small acts of intention, this month we invite you to join us as we make a movement. Not one where we wave banners, shout, or rally to a cause but one of simple, intentional actions that help us remember how making defines us & what we make together can make a movement, so let’s make good!
GATHER: with us to make a collaborative retreat and foundation for future events where we can all be leaders, teachers & makers.
SUBMIT: Put our head + heart + hands to work this month by submitting your stories, projects and thoughts on how to make a movement.
JOIN IN: Start conversations about things that matter to you, tag them #OMHG or better yet become a citizen and be part of making the first community led social network.
What kind of movement do you want to make?
[…] when I saw this post on Oh My! Handmade, I knew that so many of us are in the same boat. Anyone who believes in handmade, who believes in […]